Summer Plumbing Tips

The Arizona Summers bring about family vacations, pool parties, barbeques, and many fun activities!  You don’t want the season to bring plumbing problems that can drain your resources or put a damper on your Summer plans.  Here are some summer plumbing tips from the Arizona Plumbing Council to help you stay worry free.
Leaking Faucets or Pipes

Fix leaking faucets.  A faucet with a steady drip can waste a gallon of water a day or more!  This will lead to larger water bills.  Click here to calculate your water waste.

Locate the main water valve in case of emergencies.  Shut off the water when on vacation.

Sprinkler Problems

Child with water hoseFix broken sprinkler heads immediately.  Keep extra sprinkler heads on hand to replace broken ones quickly ensuring you save water and money.

Water grass between midnight and 9am as most water will evaporate from the soil if watered in the midday heat, wasting resources.

Backed-up Sewer Lines
  • Have your sewer lines inspected by a professional plumber as rain water can flush excess materials down the sewer pipes and drains, causing backups.
  • Have sewer lines inspected by a plumber to make sure the new plant and tree root growth has not damaged the sewer lines or septic system.
  • Make sure not to rinse excess lawn shavings or leaves down your sewer drain.  This can also cause sewer backups.

Call the Arizona Plumbing Council at 602-285-5563 to be referred to an expert, licensed Plumber who can help you with your plumbing needs.
