Go hiking. Although it may seem obvious, hiking is one of the best ways to get outside and spend time enjoying nature. There are many beautiful hikes in all parts of the state. A lot of hikes are probably close in proximity to you. If they are not, take a short road trip by yourself or plan a trip with others. This will increase your exposure to fresh air, amazing scenery, and vitamin D. Remember, even though the overall temperature has dropped, you can still get sunburned. So, bring sunscreen and make sure you and your partner(s) are covered up.
Sign up for a cause. Phoenix and the surrounding areas have all kinds of walks, runs, triathlons, and every kind of outdoor, group activity you can imagine. Many of these events are for a cause. Spend time training and building comradery with others, while also raising money. These events sponsor endeavors such as cancer research, Alzheimer’s research, and abuse prevention, as well as many other worthy and wonderful causes. You give back to your own health and community at the same time!
Redo your backyard. Giving your backyard a facelift isn’t as hard as you would think. There are many ways to freshen up your space, such as picking out new pillows or replacing an old furniture set. There are lovely nurseries you can visit to purchase plants which can really spruce up your back yard. Your yard is somewhere which should be enjoyed often during the eighty-degree weather that winter brings. Because October through December aren’t hot months, it is easier to get yard work done during the fall.
Spend time with your pet. It can be hard to find time to walk your pet even when it’s not one hundred and three outside! Summertime often means that animals spend more time inside as the temperatures (and asphalt) don’t really cool off. Fall is the time to invest in spending time with your pet. There are wonderful doggy parks and dog-friendly trails you can explore with your animal-friend. Exercise doesn’t just help your mood but also helps your animal get the exercise they need.
Do an inside project. Fall is a great time to clean carpets, put on a fresh coat of paint, or redo your master bathroom. With school in session, children will be away, enabling you to get things done. If you have a building on your property, such as a garden shed, which doesn’t have AC, then fall is the time to tackle the organization project within!
With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas around the corner, fall is a great time to tackle your to-do list before the holiday craziness hits. If you need help with any of your projects, call us for a free referral!
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