To build or to buy, that is the question! When it comes to housing, things may not be as straight forward as you would think. Here are some of the benefits to both building and buying a house.
Building: You won't uncover problems that naturally occur in a lived-in home. Home inspection can uncover a lot of small (and big) problems, which then requires you to agree on what the seller is going to fix and how much it will cost. This can lead to some prolonged negotiations. There are limits to what a home inspector can uncover. For instance, a home inspector can't look inside walls. This prevents several big problems from potentially being unmasked. Moving into an already lived-in home can suddenly mean discovering some expensive surprises. If you build your own place, you might run into problems, but there won't be surprise problems caused by someone else.
Buying: While building a home is a LOT of work, buying tends to be a lot quicker process. There is less time meeting with contractors and subcontractors. Homes that are lived-in can be moved into almost right away and this can be quite exciting! Some houses also come furnished, which can save even more time! If you trust the realtor and home inspector (and the property's foundational qualities), buying a house can be quite amazing. The main thing to remember is to take your time and ask the right questions.
Make sure you have a place to stay until you are really ready to move. Sometimes, it's easy to underestimate how much time it will take to build (or repair) your new home. Don't cut it too close by planning on moving out of your old place and straight into the new. Give yourself some cushion time and have a back-up plan. Does your friend or family member have a spare bedroom? Give them a heads up that you might need to take them up on their offer of hospitality. Moving is already stressful, regardless of whether you buy or build. Don't add to that by not having a place to stay while you wait for your new home.
If you are unsure about whether you want to build, involving a professional can be helpful. Since 1960, ELA (Electric League of Arizona), has built a reputation of referring consistent professionals who are industry licensed, insured and bonded, with 100% guaranteed follow-up.
Call 800-368-7767 for a free referral today!
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