It’s the beginning of the New Year and that broken fridge has been on the forefront of your mind lately. Deciding whether you want to pay for an appliance to be repaired or replaced is a difficult decision. In most cases, hiring a contractor to do a quick repair is the best option. However, ask yourself these following questions before making your decision.

This is the first thing you should find out. Some products will cover repairs and even replacements within the first year or two.
Is the product quality?
There is no point in spending money to repair a product that is bad to begin with. It will only cost more money in the future. If the appliance only needs a simple fix, repairing it will be more cost efficient, but if the appliance constantly needs repairing, it may be more cost effective to replace it altogether.
How old is the appliance?
Appliances have a life expectancy too. For example, the National Association of Home Builders estimates that refrigerators have a life span of 13 years, while dishwashers have a life span of 9 years. If you are going to be paying for an expensive repair for your 8 year old dishwasher, it may be more cost efficient to replace it instead.
Is the product outdated?

After asking yourself these questions you should be able to make a better decision. Whether you decide to replace or repair any appliance, make sure you are hiring a licensed and certified contractor in your area.
Contact ELA Home Repairs with your installation or repair needs at 800-368-PROS (7767).
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