Ways to Celebrate Earth Day (April 22)

We only have one planet Earth unless science fiction becomes science fact in the near future.  In celebration of Earth Day, here are a few water conservation tips we can begin now and continue throughout the year.

  • Fix leaking faucets, toilets, and appliances.  A faucet that drips even once per minute can waste 34 gallons of water a year!
  • Consider xeriscaping (or desertscaping) your yard instead of planting grass to reduce water usage.  Have a landscaper design a beautiful desert oasis using indigenous cactus, wildflowers and flora that strive with little water.  Gather ideas on Pinterest or Houzz.
  • During the rainy season, collect water in a rain barrel and use it to water grass and plants.
  • courtesy of vichie81
  • As you may know, the Colorado River is the lifeblood of all the southwest states including Arizona.  This resource is running low, visible through the low water levels at reservoirs and dams and through the Grand Canyon deltas.  You can donate to raise the Colorado River.  Visit http://raisetheriver.org/.

If you want to get out and join the celebration, here are a few events going on throughout the state.




Queen Creek:


